Latest Polls
300 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotFunny Book Titles
Though all are funny book titles, some are most definitely more contentious or appropriate than others. The important part is, do you like this list of funny book titles? For the ones you like or make you laugh mark as ‘Hot’ and the ones that you are not so keen on please mark as ‘Not’. […] More
316 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteTeapots
“I’ll pop the kettle on, Do you fancy a brew?” Is something we hear many times in the UK and then out comes the teapot without much thought for how amazing this little device is. It must have solved so many issues and problems that it’s existence must have changed the world for the better. […] More
185 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotHybrid Animals
The Hybrid Animals page on Reddit shares amazing examples of new animals created in Photoshop by mixing two existing animals. We chose our favourites and listed them below. Do you like this list of Hybrid Animals? If so mark the ones you like as ‘Hot’ and the ones that you are not so keen on […] More
218 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotConceptual Artists
How often do we stop to appreciate objects around us? We can get used to seeing things that are far from ordinary but we become blind to them and can forget the work that has gone into inventing and creating them. Occasionally we only appreciate them when they stop working or we really need them […] More
193 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteHomophones
We love homophones, a homophone is a word that sounds or is pronounced the same as another word but has a different meaning. Bruce Worden on his Homophones, Weakly blog helped to explain what each word means. We have picked which ones we think are the best. Do you agree with the list of homophones? […] More
279 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotDesigns
How often do we stop and look around us to appreciate great design? This list aims to change that by encouraging us to pause by sharing amazing designs that’s creativity has the potential to give us a new level of appreciation. Do you like our list of amazing designs? If so mark the ones you […] More
205 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteKids’ names for things
Kids can be hilarious! We love it when they come up with new words to describe an object. Do you agree and like this list of kids’ names for things? Are there any items on the list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed any kids’ names for things you feel should be on […] More
220 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteOur Bodies
Sometimes we take our amazing bodies for granted by forgetting the fantastic things they can do. What do you think of this list of the amazing things our bodies can do? Are there any amazing things our bodies can do that are on this list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed any amazing […] More
267 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VotePalindrome Sentences
We love palindrome sentences, a palindrome is either a word or sentence that read the same if read forwards (left to right) or backwards (right to left). Our only disappointment is with the person who chose to name them ‘palindrome’! Why oh why didn’t they choose a word that read the same both forward and […] More
321 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteHungry Trees
Nature is all-powerful, and we at R Amazing are always blown away by how it reclaims its land, this is demonstrated so well by hungry trees gobbling up objects that are in its close surroundings. Do you agree with our list of Hungry Trees? Are there any items on the list which you feel shouldn’t […] More
230 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteMore Coincidences
Sometimes you may just have to stop and ask yourself, what are the odds of that happening? What do you think of this list of amazing Coincidences? Are there any coincidences on the list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed any coincidences that you feel should be on this list? Let us know […] More
198 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteAnimated Gifs
Animated Gifs are a fantastic way to share information in a very quick way, they are like mini videos with no sound. Do you like this list of animated gifs? Are there any items on the list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed any animated gifs that you feel should be on this […] More
152 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VotePeople who look like their dogs
Gerrard Gethings finds and photographs people who look like their dogs and I think you will agree he has a fantastic eye for it. The question is, do you agree with our list of Gerrard Gethings’s people looking like their dogs? Are there any people looking like their dog on the list which you feel […] More
212 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotWeird uses of WD-40
On the occasions, something is stuck or squeaky we may reach for our trusted can of WD-40, with a list of useful tasks this little product can do is really quite long. WD stands for Water Displacement and the 40 means it was the 40th attempt when they got this product just right. This list […] More
172 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotIllustrated Things
Robin Yayla, an artist based out of Milan and Istanbul, creates Illustrated Things that are a fantastic mix of photography and illustrations that make a new crazy image. Do you like this list of illustrated things? If so mark the ones you like as ‘Hot’ and the ones that you are not so keen on […] More
391 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteDual Tilt Pictures
Some images have just one way of looking at them, whereas Dual Tilt Pictures help us to see one image with a completely new and different perspective just by rotating it to a different angle. Do you agree with our list of Dual Tilt Pictures? Are there any items on the list which you feel […] More
202 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VotePolar Bear Products
Perfectly camouflaged in the snow it is easy to miss and not fully appreciate hypercarnivorous, Arctic Circle dwelling polar bears. This list of some favourite polar bear themed items aims to change this. Upvote the products you like and downvote the ones you are not so sure about. Also, do you agree with our list? […] More
242 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotUrban Designs
How often do we walk through an urban environment without noticing benches, bus stops or buildings because they blend into the background. This list aims to change that by sharing amazing urban designs that’s creativity will enable us to just pause and be thankful that they have been created. Do you like our list of […] More
211 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteBusiness Cards
Having met someone new, business cards are a fantastic and simple way to share contact details but after we have the details saved in our digital devices contact list they tend to end up in the bin. This list of amazing business cards aims to help change that by encouraging us to appreciate and savour […] More
491 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteX-Rays
We see many amazing people and animals but without X-Rays, we don’t get to see how amazing things are on the inside. These X-Rays helps change this by giving us a glimpse at an otherwise hidden world. What do you think of our list? Have we missed any amazing X-Rays from our list? Are there […] More
155 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteCoincidences
Occasionally we have to just stop and marvel at the serendipity of the coincidences that life offers. Sometimes we may even have our camera to catch a situation that would be hard for other to believe. Do you agree with our list of amazing Coincidences? Are there any coincidences on the list which you feel […] More
217 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotToilet Seats
Every day we need to put food and drink into our bodies to stay alive. Equally we also, at some point, need for that waste to leave our body. When it does we nip to the toilet, do our business and wash our hands all without a second thought for the toilet seat that we […] More
54 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteMicroscopic Images
Occasionally seeing the ‘big picture’ is the way to go, other times ‘the devil’s in the detail’ and that’s the case with these amazing microscopic images. Do you agree with our list of Microscopic Images? Are there any items on the list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed microscopic images that you feel […] More
150 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotWatches
We may look at our wrists so many times each day we may forget to appreciate these amazing little time telling pieces called watches. This list shares some of the most amazing watches that hopes to change that by helping you appreciate their design. Do you like our list? If so mark the ones you […] More
386 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteWords as Images
Ji Lee is a creative director at Facebook who creates really quite inspiring personal graphic projects. Projects like Word as Image, that shares clever typography which depicts a word as an image. Do you agree with our list of Ji Lee’s best words as images? Are there any items on the list which you feel […] More
282 Views0 Comments1 Vote
in Up Vote / Down VoteTea Towels
Having eaten our food and washing up the plates and cutlery we may need to dry them. We may grab and use a tea towel without fully appreciating how it helps us to speed up the drying and putting away process. This list of amazing Tea Towel designs aims to help change that by encouraging […] More
94 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteShadows
Created by the sunlight’s inability to cut through some objects, amazing shadows help us view the world in a new way just by the shape that remains when shone upon. Do you agree with our list of amazing shadows? Are there any shadows on the list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed any […] More
314 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteToilet Door Signs
Historically, toilets door signs have been used to distinguish its users by gender or sex and, as this post will show, there have been a variety of ways of doing this. Generally, the methods these different signs use are outdating or outdated stereotypes. Over time it will be interesting to see if these signs become […] More
211 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Animals, Funny, Up Vote / Down Vote, WTFDogs Underwater
Award-winning Photographer and New York Times Best Selling Author of Underwater Dogs, Seth Casteel has an amazing knack of catching humorous moments. His snaps of animals or children share an otherwise missed juncture in time. The question is, do you agree with our list of Seth Casteel’s best dogs underwater? Are there any dogs underwater […] More
558 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Trending, Up Vote / Down Vote, WOWMiniature Life
Broccoli and parsley may sometimes look like a forest of trees, and tree leaves floating on the surface of water may sometimes look like little boats but Tatsuya Tanaka takes this to a whole new level with his creations of a miniature life. The question is, do you agree with our list of Tatsuya Tanaka’s […] More
275 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotFamous Doors
How often do we see the famous doors on tv, in videos, magazines or books? They have become entwined within the fabric of our lives and may well bring up a variety of feelings, thoughts and opinions. This list aims to not only highlight these famous doors and those emotions but to make you wonder […] More
417 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteMixing Concepts
Sometimes when mixing concepts, it just works. These artworks by Jose Navarro, a Creative & art director from the north of Spain, do just that. This is our list of some of our favourite Mixed Concepts. Upvote the ones you like and downvote the ones you are not so sure about. Do you agree with […] More
382 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteKids Backpacks
Using the same backpack each day, it may be grabbed to rush out of the house without fully appreciating how helpful this little device is. This list of amazing kids backpack designs aims to help change that by encouraging us to appreciate their design and to be thankful that besides looking great they make it […] More
225 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteOctopus Products #2
Some scientists believe that the octopus may be an animal from another planet because they can not find its branch on the evolutionary tree. This may be why people love this animal and want to have products that relate to them. Here is our list of some favourite octopus-themed items. Upvote the products you like […] More
175 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in R Amazing! - Books, Up Vote / Down VotePlants R Amazing!
This list is an interactive list based on our book – Plants R Amazing! – Buy Now Plants R Amazing! shares how some of the most astounding information about plants. We couldn’t fit every amazing thing a plant can do into this little book and neither do we believe that our list can please everybody. […] More
183 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteGames Consoles
Which ones do you like?
Technology develops at such a fast pace but that does not necessarily mean that the most modern console is the best. So we have compiled this list to discover which games consoles you think are best. What do you think of our list? Have we missed any amazing games consoles from our list? Are there […] More
2k Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteNoma Bar Designs
Genius of Double Meanings & Negative Space
Following on from the inspiration of Abram Games, Noma Bar has taken the art of embedding double meaning and negative space into his designs and illustrations to another level. Instead of using an airbrush like Games, Noma’s designs are completed on a computer. As part of my research, I read a lot. Then I think […] More
143 ViewsComments Off on To Run Your Country?0 Votes
in Which One?, Who wins?To Run Your Country?
Elections to run a country, even before the first vote has been cast, we know that that it is going to one of two people. For example, the last USA Presidential Elections have been: 2008 – Obama vs McCain 2012 – Obama vs Romney 2016 – Trump vs Clinton 2020 – Trump vs Biden And […] More
167 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteBottle Openers
Fancy a drink?
Desperate for a bottle capped drink we may grab our bottle opener, open the bottle and slurp our drink to quench our thirst. All without a second thought for the device that provided access to the liquid. This list of amazing bottle openers aims to help change that by encouraging us to appreciate their design […] More
324 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VotePlant Pots
Their very purpose is to show off the beautiful plants they hold, however, occasionally we can perhaps forget to pause to appreciate the amazing plant pots. This list of amazing plant pots aims to share some of the most quirky, odd and creative devices for holding plants. What do you think of our list? Have […] More
334 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in R Amazing! - Books, Up Vote / Down VoteOdd Sports R Amazing
This list is an interactive list based on our book – Odd Sports R Amazing! – Buy Now Odd Sports R Amazing! shares how some of the most unusual activities ever. We couldn’t fit every amazing odd sport into this little book and neither do we believe that our list can please everybody. So let […] More
307 Views0 Comments1 Vote
in Up Vote / Down VoteLunch Boxes
It’s Lunch Time!
Hungry and ready to eat we may grab our lunch box, open it and start eating our yummy food. All, perhaps, without a second thought for the container holding your lunch. This list of amazing lunch box designs aims to help change that by encouraging us to appreciate their design and to be thankful that […] More
655 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotCelebrity Mashups
Have you wondered what two celebrities would look like if you mixed them together? Well, Photoshop whizz Arkane Lowe helps you discover some answers to this question. This list shares some of Arkane Lowe’s amazing celebrity mashups, check them out! Do you like this list? If so mark the ones you like as ‘Hot’ and […] More
603 ViewsComments Off on Pizza Cutters0 Votes
in Hot or NotPizza Cutters
Having cooked or received your pizza and ready to get eating you may grab your pizza cutter knife, cut it and throw it in the sink or dishwasher and then start eating. All without a second thought for that little device that made eating your pizza so much easier. This list shares some of the […] More
856 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotWindows
How often do we look through a hole in a wall without stopping to appreciate the benefits of the device that protects us from the elements yet still be able to see outside? This list aims to change that by sharing amazing windows that’s design and creativity will enable us to just pause and be […] More
658 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteFood Art Animals
Hungry and ready to eat we may grab our knife and fork and tuck into our meal without even stop to appreciate where the food has come from and the work that went into it. From the farmers, the factory workers, delivery drivers and the cook. This list of amazing oven Food Art Animals by […] More
261 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteInspirational Sports Books
Looking to try a new sport?
If so, have a look at this list of inspirational sports books. Do you agree that our list of books about sports which are inspirational? Are there any books on our list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed any inspirational sports books that you feel should be on this list? Let us know […] More
195 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in R Amazing! - Books, Up Vote / Down VoteSharks
This list is an interactive list based on our book – Sharks R Amazing! – Buy Now This shiveringly good guide to why Sharks R Amazing! shares how great sharks can be. We couldn’t fit every amazing thing sharks do into this little book and neither do we believe that our list can please everybody. […] More
223 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotPlanned Beehives
Most beehives look the same but you want to help save the bees and ultimately the planet because as we know, no bees mean no humans. This list aims to change that by sharing amazing beehives that’s design and creativity will enable us to not only appreciate bees but also the place they call home. […] More
1.9k Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteMaine Coon Cats
People love both house cats and the big cats of the jungle. What if you could have a big house cat is friendly? This list of amazing Maine Coon Cats shows that you can sometimes have the best of both worlds! What do you think of our list? Have we missed any amazing Maine Coon […] More
337 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteAnimal Eyes
How other worldly these eyes look
We sometimes go to the zoo, farm or other animal sanctuaries to see the whole animal but this post helps us to appreciate another part of an animal, in particular, the eye. These amazing close-up photos of animal eyes by Suren Manvelyan helps us realise how different animals may see the world. What do you […] More
326 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotBridges
How often do we cross a bridge without stopping to appreciate how helpful it has been in not making us travel the long way round? This list aims to change that by sharing amazing bridges that’s design and creativity will enable us to just pause and be thankful that they have been created. Do you […] More
231 Views0 Comments1 Vote
in Up Vote / Down VoteOven Gloves
Hungry and ready to eat we may grab the oven gloves to take our food out of the oven, hang them back and never think of them again until we need to use them once again. This list of amazing oven glove designs aims to help change that by encouraging us to appreciate their design […] More
240 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Which One?Would you rathers
There are so many real and difficult choices that have to make in life. So, at times, it can be fun to have to make some imaginary decisions with these amazing ‘Would you rather?’ questions. Here is our list of ‘Would you rather?’ questions. Is there one on the list which you feel should not […] More
224 Views0 Comments1 Vote
in Up Vote / Down VoteToilet Roll Holders
We nip to the toilet to have a number two when we finish we wipe our bottom and wash our hands and may never have another thought about the toilet roll holder that made that task so much easier. These designs aim to change that by encouraging us to pause and appreciate the amazing in […] More
399 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteSharks Species
This is our list of our favourite shark types, we are not experts on this subject but. You may know more about shark types than we do, if you do, great, let us know more! If not please do still share your thoughts. Do you feel we have missed any shark types off our list? […] More
332 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotBus Adverts
Some creative agencies have been very clever in how they have used the bus as a medium to advertise products. Do you like this list of bus adverts? If so mark the ones you like as ‘Hot’ and the ones that you are not so keen on as ‘Not’. Also, have we missed any off […] More
10.9k ViewsComments Off on Animal in things0 Votes
in Hot or NotAnimal in things
The Animal in things is an Instagram page that loves animals so much it literally sees them everywhere. Do you like this list of animals in things? If so mark the ones you like as ‘Hot’ and the ones that you are not so keen on as ‘Not’. Also, have we missed any off our […] More
263 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteFace Masks
Having to wear face masks has divided opinion some feel it is the correct thing to do, others feel we should not be told to wear them and they should be optional. However, we are where we are and seeing as we all are wearing them we just as well have ones that make us […] More
1 Shares395 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteBoiled Egg Moulds
Boiling an egg we may forget how great they are. This list of amazing egg mould designs aims to help change that by encouraging us to appreciate some different shaped eggs can be moulded into! What do you think of our list? Have we missed any amazing Egg Moulds from our list? Are there any […] More
370 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteRulers
Either we need to discover how long something is or we need to draw a perfectly straight line. We grab a ruler use it and then pop it back where we found it without a second thought for its design and usefulness. This post aims to change that and encourage us to pause and appreciate […] More
426 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteIrish Wolfhounds
Same size as a donkey, but definitely a dog
This is our list that shows how quirky Irish Wolfhounds can be. Do you agree with our list? Are there any pictures on the list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed any Irish Wolfhound pictures that you feel should be on this list? Let us know by sharing your views and opinions by […] More
169 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteBooks about Sharks
Learn more about these amazing predators of the sea.
Do you agree with our list of books about sharks? Are there any books on our list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed any shark books that you feel should be on this list? Let us know by sharing your views and opinions by commenting below, we really do love to hear your […] More
333 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteShark Related Products
Although sharks are sometimes seen as scary, there are still many fun shark products that help appreciate these most unique of animals. Here is our list of some favourite shark-themed items. Upvote the products you like and downvote the ones you are not so sure about. Also, do you agree with our list? Are there […] More
296 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Which One?Technology Dilemmas
We make lots of choices regarding which type of technology we wish to use that we can forget about why we made the decision in the first place. This lists aims to help you think about those choices. Have we missed any dilemmas off our list? Are there any on this list which you feel […] More
187 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteDoor Wedges
We prop the door open to let in air, to see and hear what is going on or to let people in. Whatever we may do to keep the door open, we sometimes forget what the little device is doing it for us. These designs aim to change that. This is our list of door […] More
307 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotFountains
So often fountains are just a straight-up squirt of water and others are more substantial with unique and quirky design and this is our list of those type of fountains. The ones that can make you say wow! Do you like our list? If so mark the ones you like as ‘Hot’ and the ones […] More
117 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteHipstory Artworks
Sometimes when two styles mix, it just works. These artworks by Israeli illustrator Amit Shimoni do just that. The Hipstory range imagines historical and modern-day famous people as hipsters. This is our list of some of our favourite Hipstory Artworks. Upvote the ones you like and downvote the ones you are not so sure about. […] More
466 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteHobby Horses
Sometimes our environment and circumstances may not enable us to have a real horse for the family. The next best alternative could be a hobby horse, especially when you consider the lastest Finnish sport craze of hobby horsing. This is our list of hobby horses. Upvote the ones you like and downvote the ones you […] More
619 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in R Amazing! - Books, Up Vote / Down VoteBees
This list is an interactive list based on our book – Bees R Amazing! – Buy Now This bee-rilliant guide to why Bees R Amazing! shares how great bees can be. We couldn’t fit every amazing thing bees do into this little book and neither do we believe that our list can please everybody. So […] More
162 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteTowel Folders
Fabric origami is amazing!
Changing an object that is generally just seen as a practical way to get dry after a bath or shower, Towel Folders create art and bring happiness to many by simply taking a little time to fold towels in unique ways. Towel Folders R Amazing because they enable us to appreciate towels in a whole […] More
1 Shares1.6k Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VotePig Breeds
Like dogs and Cats, there are many breeds of pigs.
This is our list of our favourite pig breeds, we are not experts on this subject and are basing it mainly on the looks and what we think their personality would be like. You may know more about pig breeds than we do, if you do, great, let us know more! If not please do […] More
444 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotChairs
We so often sit down and get up without a thought for the object which enables us to work, rest, read or watch TV. This list aims to change that by sharing amazing chairs with design and creativity that will help us appreciate them even when we are not using them for their purpose of […] More
224 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotDoppelgangers
Apparently, 1 in 135 of us has an exact look-alike or doppelganger somewhere in the world. Here our list of Doppelgangers that may get you thinking. Do you like our list? If so mark the ones you like as ‘Hot’ and the ones that you are not so keen on as ‘Not’. Also, have we […] More
138 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteSuck UK Products
Objects that definitely don’t SUCK!
Suck UK is a design & development company that creates giftable objects. Every product is designed in-house & manufactured with – it’s been that way since 1999. They only make objects that they would buy & objects the would give as a gift. This is the list of our favourite Suck UK products. Upvote the […] More
215 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteSue Hendra Books
Which is your favourite?
Sue studied illustration at university and also sold doughnuts from a kiosk at the zoo. The illustration career won and she has now illustrated what must be 100 books. When she met Paul Linnet she found another twit with a silly sense of humour so they fell in love and started writing and illustrating together. […] More
84 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Which One?Living Room Dilemmas
When sat in our living rooms, we may forget the many amazing choices and options we had to create that space. Here is a list of different dilemmas you may have. Have we missed any off our list? Is there one on the list which you feel should not be? What are your views on […] More
144 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotSalt and Pepper Pots
Eating our food, we may reach for the salt and pepper pots. Sprinkle, Sprinkle – we then place them back without a second thought. This list shares some of the most amazing Salt and Pepper Pots that hopes to change that by helping you appreciate the design. Do you like our list? If so mark […] More
427 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VotePapertrophy Sculptures
Are pictures on the wall too boring for you?
What is there that you cannot love about these Papertrophy Sculptures? They look great, with no plastic they are environmentally kind and no animals are killed to have the sculpture on the wall! This list of amazing Papertrophy Sculptures shares our favourites. What do you think of our list? Have we missed any amazing Papertrophy […] More
330 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteBee Related Products
Bee-cause some of these are amazing!
Without bees, humans would no longer be able to survive on earth. For this reason, we sometimes like to purchase products which are bee related. This is our list of some of favourite bee themed items. Upvote the products you like and downvote the ones you are not so sure about. Also, do you agree […] More
162 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteNew Perspectives
How a picture on a phone can give us a new view of the world.
Francois Dourlen is a clever and creative visual artist. We just love this project of using his phone to give us a new perspective on the everyday world in which we live! You can view more of Francois’ work on his Instagram Page. This list shares our favourites from Francois’ amazing perspective-changing project. What do […] More
347 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteVases
It is the emptiness that holds the flowers.
We have been given flowers and need to put them in something to show them off. However, why not also put them into a creative vase that also looks amazing when the flowers are gone. This list of amazing vases aims to share the most quirky, odd and creative devices for holding flowers. What do […] More
172 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteDogs pretending to be food
We love dogs here at R-Amazing! and would never condone eating them, however, these funny photoshopped images depicting dogs pretending to be different types of food is a cute and humorous take on humans best friend. They are created by and shared on the artist’s Instagram page called Dogs in Food. What do you think […] More
183 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteCyclop Themed Products
This is our list of some of favourite cyclop themed items. Upvote the products you like and downvote the ones you are not so sure about. Also, do you agree with our list? Are there any items on the list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed a cyclop related products that you feel […] More
617 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteBluetooth Speakers
No strings attached sound
Bluetooth speakers are amazing, allowing us to share our music and sounds, and with no wires too! We have no idea how it works but just know that it does and we love the products it enables. But if you really do want to know how it works you can learn here. Otherwise check out […] More
192 Views0 Comments1 Vote
in Up Vote / Down VoteMinimal Cat and Landscape Illustrations
Lim Heng Swee, is a Malaysian illustrator based in Kuala Lumpur. Using curves in his landscape pictures, Lim uses the hills and mountains to hide and depict cats. Do you agree with our list of amazing Lim Heng Swee cat illustrations? Are there any pictures on the list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we […] More
108 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteCat Sleeping Positions
They will sleep anywhere!
These images show that cats will sleep where ever they can. What do you think of this list? Do you feel we have missed any sleep cats off our list? Is there any on our list that you feel should not be? Let us know, we love to hear your views, opinions and comments. Oh! […] More
504 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in R Amazing! - Books, Up Vote / Down VotePigs
This list is an interactive list based on our book – Pigs R Amazing! – Buy Now This squealy good guide to why Pigs R Amazing! shares how great pigs can be. We couldn’t fit every amazing thing pigs do into this list and neither do we believe that our list can please everybody. So […] More
82 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotWild Beehives
Walking through the woods we may not notice wild beehives around due to all the other experiences going on, but wild beehives are there. This list aims to change that by sharing amazing wild beehives that would help us to stop and look for these the wonderments of nature. Do you like our list? If […] More
293 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteBooks about Bees
Learn more about these amazing insects
Do you agree with our list of books about bees? Are there any books on our list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed any bee books that you feel should be on this list? Let us know by sharing your views and opinions by commenting below, we really do love to hear your […] More
222 Views0 Comments1 Vote
in Up Vote / Down VoteMighty Muggs Figures
Mighty Muggs are vinyl–plastic collectable toys with exaggerated features of characters from different franchises. What do you think of our list? Have we missed any Mighty Muggs figures from our list? Are there any on the list which you feel shouldn’t be? Let us know by upvoting, downvoting and commenting, we really do love to […] More
177 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteBalance Bikes
An amazing way for children to start biking.
Everybody has to start somewhere. Any future cyclists, motorcyclists will probably have began their 2 wheeled hobby or career on a balance bike. This list of amazing balance bikes aims to help you choose the first biking step for a child in your life. What do you think of our list? Have we missed any […] More
1.2k Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteRob Gonsalves Paintings
Created his own style called Magic Realism
Inspired by the works of Salvador Dali and René Magritte. The late Rob Gonsalves was a famous Canadian surrealist artist whose paintings create an optical illusion by seamlessly merging two images into one. Do you agree with our list of amazing Rob Gonsalves paintings? Are there any paintings on the list which you feel shouldn’t […] More
426 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteHorse Videos
Let’s have a look at some of the most popular horse videos on YouTube. Upvote the ones you like and Downvote the ones you are not so keen on. Have we missed any from our list? Are there any on our list that you feel shouldn’t be? Let us know your comments, views and opinions. […] More
40 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotSmall Spaces
With space being a premium in the world, especially in places like Hong Kong, people are getting creative with how they fit everything they need into a small space. This list shares some of the most amazing small spaces. Do you like our list? If so mark the ones you like as ‘Hot’ and the […] More
60 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Which One?Kitchen Dilemmas
Using our kitchen every day we may forget the choices that make this important room in any house. Have we missed any dilemmas off our list? Are there any on this list which you feel should not be? What are your views on each of your choices? Let us know, we love to hear your […] More
226 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteEgg Cups
How ‘Cracking’ are these?
Enjoying eating and dunking our soldiers into our boiled eggs we may forget the little egg cup container holding the egg. This list of amazing egg cups designs aims to help change that by encouraging us all to appreciate the egg cups even when we are not using them! What do you think of our […] More
1.3k Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VotePig Optical illusions
Pig you favourite.
Do you agree with our list of amazing Pig Optical Illusions? Are there any on the list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed any that you feel should be on this list? Let us know by sharing your views and opinions by commenting below, we really do love to hear your views. Oh! […] More
532 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteSticky Tape Dispensers (Open list) (24 submissions)
You need to repair or wrap something, you grab the sticky tape dispenser use the sellotape/scotch tape and you may pop it back without a second thought. This list of amazing sticky tape dispensers aims to help change that by encouraging you to appreciate tape dispensers even when you are not using it! What do […] More
1.1k Views0 Comments1 Vote
in Up Vote / Down VoteKAWS Figures
KAWS figures are a series of collectable characters that have been designed and produced by an American artist and designer called Brian Donnelly – A.K.A KAWS. What do you think of our list? Have we missed any KAWS figures from our list? Are there any on the list which you feel shouldn’t be? Let us […] More
390 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotRocking Chairs
A chair that can rock back and forth like a seesaw sounds amazing but what if that chair is designed in creative ways. So we created this list of amazing rocking chairs. Do you agree with our list? Have we missed any amazing rocking chairs from our list? Are there any on the list which […] More
177 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Which One?Who Wins a 100 Meter Race?
Currently, the 100 meters world records are; for men 9.58seconds held by Usain Bolt since 2009 and the women’s is 10.49 and has been held by the late great Florence Griffith-Joyner since 1988. For fun, we have put a list together of different fictional races. All you need to do is let us know who […] More
275 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in R Amazing! - Books, Up Vote / Down VoteHorses
This list is an interactive list based on our book – Horses R Amazing! – Buy Now This neigh perfect guide to why Horses R Amazing! shares how great horses can be. We couldn’t fit every amazing thing horses do into this list and neither do we believe that our list can please everybody. So […] More
228 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VotePlaying Cards
After a game of cards, you may throw the deck in a drawer and forget about them until you need to search for them the next time you fancy to play cards. This list of amazing playing cards aims to help change that by encouraging you to love them even when you are not using […] More
299 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VotePig Themed Products
This is our list of some of favourite pig themed items. Upvote the products you like and downvote the ones you are not so sure about. Also, do you agree with our list? Are there any items on the list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed a pig related products that you feel […] More
793 Views0 Comments1 Vote
in Up Vote / Down VotePlayforever Cars
Most of us have, most likely, played with cars at some point in our life but maybe not ones like the flawlessly designed and built Playforever Cars. Julian Meagher created these timeless heirloom toys to delight and captivate generations to come, children and grown-ups alike. The Playforever Cars are beautiful and have different designs like […] More
110 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteCheese Graters
How ‘grate’ are these?
Needing grated cheese on your pasta or toast you reach for the cheese grater and grate away. Finishing your task you pop the cheese grater into the wash and may never think of it again until you need it next time. This list of amazing cheese graters aims to help change that by encouraging you […] More
397 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteStaplers
You have a few pages that need fastening together, you grab the stapler, snap the staple into place and then you may return the device without giving it another thought. This list aims to change that by sharing some of the most quirky and creative staplers? What do you think of our list? Have we […] More
386 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotDoors
How often do we walk through a gap in a wall without stopping to appreciate the benefits of the device that plugs that gap which we call the door? This list aims to change that by sharing amazing doors that’s design and creativity will enable us to just pause and be thankful that they have […] More
589 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteAbram Games Designs
Born in 1914, Abram went on to become one of the worlds most accomplished graphic designers. His portfolio of 60 years worth of designs clearly shows the ethos he followed when creating his work. Maximum Meaning Minimum Means Abram Games’ designs usually demonstrate this ethos by visually linking two items to get a message across […] More
54 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VotePig Videos
Let’s have a look at some of the most popular pig videos on YouTube. Upvote the ones you like and Downvote the ones you are not so keen on. Have we missed any from our list? Are there any on our list that you feel shouldn’t be? Let us know your comments, views and opinions. […] More
529 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteNutcrackers
Will you go crackers for this list?
As a means to an end, you only really appreciate how useful and amazing nutcrackers are when you don’t have a pair available to enable you to get into the shelled nuts you so desperately want to eat. This list of amazing nutcrackers aims to help change that by encouraging you to love them even […] More
240 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteThe Top Books By Rob Biddulph
Which is your favourite?
In a previous life, author/illustrator Rob was the art director of publications such as the Observer Magazine, NME and Just Seventeen. Now he spends his time making up stories for his three daughters and drawing pictures to go with them.[1] Do you agree with our list? Are there any items on the list which you […] More
202 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteCitrus Squeezers
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade This optimistic quote is often used to help develop a can-do attitude in the face of adversity. However, before you can make the Lemonade you will need to squeeze the lemons. This list aims to help you select a favourite Citrus Squeezer to complete the task. What do […] More
1.2k Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteCute Hedgehogs
Who would imagine that something with so many sharp edges and spikes could be so cute, that was until we met hedgehogs who manage to be both. So we have created this list of cute hedgehogs that helps us all to appreciate these amazing little creatures. Have we missed any cute hedgehogs from our list? […] More
623 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteCat Themed Products
This is our list of some of favourite cat themed items. Upvote the products you like and downvote the ones you are not so sure about. Also, do you agree with our list? Are there any items on the list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed a cat related products that you feel […] More
2.1k Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteAlessi Products
Alessi is an Italian company that creates designer houseware and kitchen utensils that have been inspired into existence by a wide range of designers, architects, and industrial designers Have we missed any other amazing Alessi Products from our list? Are there any on the list which you feel shouldn’t be? Let us know by upvoting, […] More
880 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteBe@rbrick Characters
Be@rbrick is a collectable toy that has been designed and produced by a Japanese company called Medicom Toy. The Be@rbricks are available in 6 variety of sizes. 50% = 3.5cm, 70% = 5cm, 100% = 7cm, 200% = 14.5cm, 400% = 28cm and 1000% = 70cm Using a cartoon-styled bear Medcom paint it to resemble […] More
172 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteDog Videos
Let’s have a look at some of the most popular dog videos on YouTube. Upvote the ones you like and Downvote the ones you are not so keen on. Have we missed any from our list? Are there any on our list that you feel shouldn’t be? Let us know your comments, views and opinions. […] More
133 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Which One?Bedroom Dilemmas
Using our bedroom almost every day we may forget the choices we had to make to get our sleep room exactly how we wanted it. Alternatively, you may be considering updating a bedroom in a house, this list could help you choose how to change it. Have we missed any dilemmas off our list? Are […] More
685 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteRocking Horses
To quote the famous Bill Haley song, Rock Around The Clock: We’ll have some fun when the clock strikes one We’re gonna rock around the clock tonight We’re gonna rock, rock, rock, ’til broad daylight We’re gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight. These amazing Rocking Horses aims to help explain why there is […] More
448 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteMugs
Making a cup of tea or coffee, we grab our favourite mug and enjoy our hot drink. Becoming such a habit we may forget to appreciate the container that is holding our hot drink. This post aims to change that by sharing a list of mugs that we think are amazing! Do you agree with […] More
580 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteMoney Boxes
When we have spare change it can clog up our wallets or purses. The best solution, rather than wasting the coins on useless items, is to pop in them in a money box. Our list of amazing money boxes aims to help make saving coins more fun and inspiring. What do you think of our […] More
155 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in R Amazing! - Books, Up Vote / Down VoteCats
This list is an interactive list based on our book – Cats R Amazing! – Buy Now This purrfect guide to why Cats R Amazing! shares how great cats can be. We couldn’t fit every amazing thing cats do into this list and neither do we believe that our list can please everybody. So let […] More
129 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteHorse Themed Products
Humans and Horse share more than the first letter of their names, they share a connection. For this reason, we sometimes like to purchase products which are horse themed. This is our list of some of favourite horse themed items. Upvote the products you like and downvote the ones you are not so sure about. […] More
680 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteHidden Meaning Logos
We love these amazing word logos with hidden meaning that Mustafa Ömerli shares on his Instagram page. Below is a selection of some of our favourites. Which ones do you like best? Upvote the ones you like and downvote the one you are not so sure about. Are there any on our list that you […] More
48 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotLove or Hate Foods
The purpose of any food we eat is to give us the energy to go about our daily tasks. That said, some food, most definitely, tastes better than others. This is a list of some of the most disputed foods. Some people love them, others really do not. Please vote ‘Yes – Heart’ if you […] More
532 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteCuckoo Clocks
As each hour strikes…
Cuckoo! Cuckoo! These clocks are great however I minds soon learn to cancel out the sound. This list of unique designs will help bring back the appreciation for these quirkiest of products. Have we missed any cuckoo clock from our list? Are there any on the list which you feel shouldn’t be? Let us know […] More
164 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteBooks About Dogs
Learn more about amazing canines
Do you agree with our list of books about dogs? Are there any books on our list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed any dog books that you feel should be on this list? Let us know by sharing your views and opinions by commenting below, we really do love to hear your […] More
76 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteWatering Cans
You spot a wilting flower in your garden and quickly nip outside to resuscitate it, you grab the watering and sprinkle the water to ensure life and growth. Relieved at your first aid, you pop the watering can back down and never give this useful device another thought until the next time you need it. […] More
46 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Which One?Same Product, Different Images
The United Kingdom, the United States and the West have different views on modesty and control than those of Saudi Arabia. In the West women and men can both wear and do, pretty much, anything they wish. Whereas in Saudi Arabia the men ruling the country tell women what they can and cannot wear and […] More
202 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteDoormats
You arrive home, wipe your feet, enter the house and take your shoes off. You may not even notice the doormat or even think about it again. This list hopes to change that by giving you an appreciation of the great service this product offers. Do you agree with our list? Have we missed any […] More
134 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteCat Videos
YouTube has more than two million cat videos and people have watched them more than 25 billion times! Let’s have a look at some of the most popular cat videos. Upvote the ones you like and Downvote the ones you are not so keen on. Have we missed any from our list? Are there any […] More
74 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteNarwhal Products
This animal looks like it should be a mythical creature, but it is not. This makes it such a fascinating animal to stop and consider. So much so that there are lots of different products that link to the Narwhal. This is our list of our favourite Narwhal products. Do you like them? If so […] More
267 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteKettles
Fancy a cuppa?
Feeling thirsty, you fill the kettle with water and flip the switch. Once it boils you pour the water into a mug, cup or teapot and then never have a second thought about the amazing device that created the boiling water. That is until the next time you fancy a brew. This list of amazing […] More
176 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteOliver Jeffers Books
Which is your favourite?
What other books should be on the list but is not? Are there any books on the list which you feel should not be? Please let us know which and why in the comments. Upvote your favourites, downvote the ones you are not so sure about, don’t forget to comment and share your views about […] More
345 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Which One?Old or New Logos
Is new always better? Companies often update their logo to improve their connection with their customers and feel more modern. But does it always work refreshing the logo? Let us know by selecting your favourite logo, the old or new. Let us know with your comments and views below. Oh! And please share this page […] More
134 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteBicycle Bells
Riding along on our bike or scooter and somebody or something is in the way. We ring our bell and pass on by without another thought for that helpful little device on the handlebars that ding donged to set us on our way. Our list of amazing Bicycle Bells hopes to rectify that. Do you […] More
77 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotShipping Container Buildings
In a time where environmental issues are at the front of our minds shipping container houses can be a fantastic way of reusing materials for a different purpose. This is our list of the most amazing shipping container buildings. Do you like our list? If so mark the ones you like as ‘Hot’ and the […] More
129 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteDoctor Who
‘Who’ is your favourite?
Doctor Who started in 1963 and since then there have been Thirteen reincarnations. The most recent is Jodie Whittaker, the first female Doctor. Our personal favourites are Tom Baker, Matt Smith and Sylvester McCoy. Do you agree? If not why do you think we have it wrong. Please upvote your favourites and downvote the Doctors […] More
58 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteHorse Breeds
This quote by John Galsworthy helps us appreciate just how wonderful horses are. I am still under the impression that there is nothing alive quite so beautiful as a horse. Please upvote the horse breeds you like most. Do you feel we have missed any horse breeds off our list? Is there any on our […] More
126 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteBooks About Cats
Learn more about amazing felines
Do you agree with our list of books about cats? Are there any books on our list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed any cat books that you feel should be on this list? Let us know by sharing your views and opinions by commenting below, we really do love to hear your […] More
469 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotIroning Boards
For most, it has to be one of those jobs that is most disliked. With many wondering why, when human’s have explored space and visited the moon, the ironing machine has not been invented yet! Until such a time this list of creative and unique ironing boards will have to do to help appreciate a […] More
269 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteNesting Dolls
Getting smaller and smaller…
…like peeling skins off an onion, nesting dolls can be great fun for both children and adults because they are much less likely to make you cry. This is our list of nesting dolls. Have we missed any nesting dolls from our list? Are there any on the list which you feel shouldn’t be? Let […] More
186 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Which One?Comic or Film Characters
Some characters have been around so long the have gone from comic books – to books – to the TV and then on to films. The list below shares some examples of the same character as they appear in the comic and film. We would love to know which of the two characters you prefer? […] More
117 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteAnimals
Mother nature imagination is amazing
This list encourages us to stop and appreciate that the animals that already around us are truly amazing. G.K. Chesterton stated: It is one thing to describe an interview with a gorgon or a griffin, a creature who does not exist. It is another thing to discover that the rhinoceros does exist and then take […] More
483 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteSlippers
Perfect for moving around the house and keeping the outside dirt from messing up your home. We may get so used to flinging off our shoes at the end of a long day and putting on our trusty old slippers, that we may forget to appreciate how great slippers are keeping our house tidy and […] More
505 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteErasers
We all make mistakes from time to time, however, when our error is from a pencil we can correct it without thinking by using an eraser (a rubber in the UK). This post aims to change that and encourage us to pause and appreciate the ordinary every day erasers. Which ones do you like? Upvote […] More
361 Views1 Comment1 Vote
in Up Vote / Down VoteJumping Dogs
This leave them and us leaping with joy!
Claudio Piccoli, from Northern Italy, photographs his canine friends is mid-air. Claudio calls his work Dogs in Action and highlights that it requires patience saying: Dogs are not machines or models we can pay to do something… …every dog and breed is different! These images are amazing and show the focus and determination these dogs […] More
480 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteBins
How many times do we just toss the rubbish in the bin without stopping to appreciate the object that is holding it for us? Quite often, I would guess. This list hopes to change that by sharing interesting and quirky bin designs that may stop you in your tracks. What do you think of our […] More
138 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteCat Breeds
Most of us like cats…
…but do we like all cats? Cats are so independent and are seen as very free-spirited. Sometimes we can forget about them until they demand our attention. Eckhart Tolle once said, “I have lived with several Zen masters, all of them cats.” Please upvote the cat breeds you like and downvote the ones you are […] More
161 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteLego Products
Lego is one of those brands that appeal to such a broad range of people that their products are so varied. What do you think of our list of Lego products? Have we missed anything off? Is there anything you feel shouldn’t be on our list? Upvote, downvote and comment below to share your views. […] More
115 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in R Amazing! - Books, Up Vote / Down VoteDogs
This list is an interactive list based on our book – Dogs R Amazing! – Buy Now This ruff guide to why Dogs R Amazing! shares fantastic things dogs can do. We couldn’t fit every amazing thing dogs do into this list and neither do we believe that our list can please everybody. So let […] More
337 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteFun Socks
Waking up, have a wash, throw our socks on our feet and then chuck our shoes on. We may not even have a second thought about our socks until we take them off in the evening. Our list of fun socks may change that. Have we missed any socks from our list? Are there any […] More
213 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteEgg Shapers
Crack! Crack! Goes the eggs. Then boil or fry them and eat. But before you do, let’s just pause and appreciate where they came from and how we can prepare them in fun shapes. Upvote the ones you like and downvote the ones you are not so keen on. Share your thoughts and views in […] More
368 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotRetro Computers
Computers and technology are such a part of our lives now that we may forget how much appreciated the early fore-runners to our digital lives today. Our list retro computers hope to change that. Mark the ones you like as ‘HOT’ and the ones you are not so keen on as ‘NOT’. We love to […] More
83 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteColanders
We have boiled some pasta or vegetables. We strain the water away, chuck the strainer in the sink and tuck in to enjoy our the food. We may never have considered the colander that enabled our food to reach the table and more importantly our mouth and stomach. All so we can have energy to […] More
112 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteIce Trays
Fancying a nice cool drink…
…you throw some ice cubes in a glass, you either drink your drink straight down or nurse it through an interesting conversation. Either way, we may not have much thought for the ice keeping our drink cool. Though that may change with these unique and creative ice trays that help us stop and appreciate the […] More
203 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VotePicture Frames
We have something we think is so good that we would like to pop it on our wall and share it with the world. But let’s stop to just appreciate the forgotten frames that hold the creations in place. This list shares some frames that we think will make it easier to remember them and […] More
190 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotJapanese Gadgets 2
Which ones do you love?
We all know what an amazing country Japan is. The Japanese are known for having quirky imaginations that inspire great and frankly, sometimes, odd products. Upvote your favourites and the one you would like to own, Downvote the ones you don’t like and share to let the world know what you really think. Check out […] More
143 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteDog Breeds
Most of us like dogs…
…but do we like all dogs? Here at R Amazing, we do because we believe that it is not the dog but the owner who has the most effect on their dog’s behaviour. We would care for any dog in need. That said we would not get certain dogs as puppies or encourage them to […] More
46 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotTattoos
We at R Amazing guess, that in the UK, more adults have tattoos than those who do not. In fact, so many now have them we may forget to appreciate the art and the work which went into creating them and the stories behind each tattoo. So let’s just take a moment to appreciate the […] More
464 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotClever Logos
By stopping and looking we can sometimes see something deeper. These logos are a perfect example of this. We see so many each day we become almost immune to them but these masterpieces encourage us to slow down and even stop to appreciate them and their hidden meaning. Mark the ones you like as ‘Hot’ […] More
76 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteBooks That Help Reduce Pain
We take our comfort for granted and it is easy to see it as ordinary until we experience pain and discomfort. Then it has our attention and we really want to reduce the discomfort. This list of books shares some of the best at describing how that can be done. Please upvote the ones you […] More
1.1k Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VotePencil Sharpeners
Our pencil tip breaks or needs sharpening in the middle of an important task. We quickly grab the nearest sharpener, do what we need to do and get back to work. Maybe, without consideration for this wonderful little sharpening device. This post aims to change that and encourage us to pause and appreciate the ordinary […] More
1 Shares117 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteTissue Dispensers
We have a runny nose, not the sort Sam had in Doorknob for a Nose, but the sort that drips. We reach for a tissue, blow our nose and once we have finished and popped it in the bin, we may not have a second thought about the tissue and where it came from. We […] More
908 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteSkateboards
In the summer weather with the wind in your hair skating along can be a great experience but what about the item attached to your feet with wheels on? Most of us may not stop to consider the skateboards but they really do have some funky designs. Which ones do you like, and which ones […] More
455 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteOctopus Products
These amazing creatures are so intelligent they can solve complex problems, like escaping from a jar with a screw lid on. So show us your intellect by sharing which Octopus product you like and don’t like by upvoting and downvoting. Is there something on our list that you feel should not be? Have we missed […] More
901 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteTeapots
I’ll pop the kettle on, Do you fancy a brew?
Is something we hear many times in the UK and then out comes the teapot without much thought for how amazing this little device is. It must have solved so many issues and problems that it’s existence must have changed the world for the better. So let us stop just for a moment to appreciate […] More
372 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteLittle Miss Characters
Just like the Mr Men we remember some of these characters, but which are your favourites? Have we missed any Little Misses off who you think you should be on our list? Is there one that you feel most definitely should be on our list? Let us know by upvote the ones you like and […] More
624 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteChess Sets
A great game of strategy alone can be enough for many but sometimes stopping and appreciating a creative and unique design can add to the experience. Check out our list of creative chess boards. Upvote the ones you like and downvote the ones you do not like. Also, have we missed a set of our […] More
375 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteDog Toys
Most of us love interacting with our pooches…
…but what toys would our pets like to play with? Upvotes the ones you think, or know, your dog will like and downvote the ones you think your dog will dislike. Have we missed any great dog toys off the list? Are there any on our list that you feel should not be? Let us […] More
599 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotDisney Logo Mash-up
Modesto García has cleverly adapted well-known logos into equally well-known Disney movies. It really is quite inspiring. Mark the ones you like as ‘Hot’ and those you don’t like as much as ‘Not’. Our ‘HOT’ favourite is the Robin Hood and Pocahontas logo adaptation. It is so creative! Then don’t forget to share with the […] More
418 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotCat Characters
This our list of the favourite cat characters. Do you agree with it? Have we missed a cat that you feel should be on the list? Is there a cat character on the list that you feel should be on our list. Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to share this list […] More
47 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotVegetables
Vegetables are around us every day, in the shops and at home. Sometimes we forget how amazing they are; Their shapes, textures, tastes and smells. So let’s take a moment to appreciate just how amazing the variety of vegetables we have are. That said it does come down to eating the vegetable so this Hot […] More
286 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in R Amazing! - Books, Up Vote / Down VoteMythical Creatures
Which creature do you like best?
This list is an interactive list based on our book – Mythical Creatures R Amazing! – Buy Now Here is a list of some the greatest Mythical Creatures ever created. Let us know who you think should or shouldn’t be on the Mythical Creatures R Amazing list we really do love to hear your […] More
291 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteMr Men
We all remember some of these characters…
…but which are your favourites? Have we missed any Mr Men off who you think you should be on our list? Is there one that you feel most definitely should be on our list? Let us know, we love hearing your views and opinions. Oh! Please share this page to let everyone you know your […] More
740 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Which One?Logo Mash-Ups
Brands are a major part of our daily life that we don’t always stop to appreciate the effect they can have on us. That is until the people at played and swapped the words of rival brands to see how it changes how we feel about the logo. Below are their logo mash-ups and […] More
147 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteTea Infusers
Pop the kettle on!
In Britain whenever there is a problem, we say I’ll pop the kettle on and make a brew. A cup of tea has solved many problems. The only issue this post aims to solve is which Tea Infuser you like or do not like. Do prefer the gimmicky ones or the purely functional designs? Have […] More
304 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteDavid Walliams Books
Sometimes David Walliams is compared as a modern-day Roald Dahl with his books. They are quirky, creative and odd, which we love and is very much in keeping with the books the R & Q create. Which David Walliams’ books do you like, upvote them. Downvote any you don’t like. Have we missed any of […] More
120 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteKids Beds
Let’s be honest, most beds are purely functional…
…but when it comes to children’s beds’ things get a little bit more, well, AMAZING! SO! check out our list of kids beds and let us know the ones you like by upvoting and the ones you don’t by downvoting. Have we missed any children’s beds on our list that you feel should be on […] More
349 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteBooks About Horses
Learn more about this amazing animal
Do you agree with our list of books about horses? Are there any books on our list which you feel shouldn’t be? Have we missed any horse books that you feel should be on this list? Let us know by sharing your views and opinions by commenting below, we really do love to hear your […] More
216 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotFruits
Fruits are around us every day, in the shops, at work and at home. Sometimes we forget how amazing they are; Their shapes, textures, tastes and smells. So let’s take a moment to appreciate just how amazing the variety of fruits we have are. That said it does come down to eating the fruit so […] More
239 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteDoorknobs
To be more accurate, it is door furniture, but we love the word doorknob because we created a really quirky book about a child who has a ‘Doorknob for a Nose‘ and we love the word. So which piece of door furniture do you like best? Upvote the ones you love and downvote the ones […] More
678 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteCat’s in Hats
Genius idea for cats shedding their fur
These Cat’s Hats have been made by Rojiman and what makes them even more special is that they are made from fur shedded naturally by the owner’s cats! This is the list of our favourite hats. Upvote your favourites and downvote the one you don’t like! Oh! Don’t forget to share this page so others […] More
68 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Which One?Bathroom Dilemmas
When using the bathroom, we may forget to appreciate the amazing choices and options we have. Here is a list of different dilemmas you may have. Have we missed any off our list? Is there one on the list which you feel should not be? What are your views on each of your choices? Let […] More
247 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteScissors
Let’s cut to the chase
Scissors like so many items are functional and just there when we need them, but if we look at some of the designs out there, they can be seen as amazing! This is our list of amazing scissors, do you agree with it? Have we missed a design of scissors that you think are amazing? […] More
577 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotDog Characters
This our list of the favourite dog characters. Do you agree with it? Have we missed a dog that you feel should be on the list? Is there a dog character on the list that you feel should be on our list. Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to share this list […] More
223 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteFun Clocks
Most days we have to be somewhere at a certain time.
So clocks are functional and helpful but aren’t they better when they look good too? We have created a list of our favourite clocks. Upvote the ones you like and would use and downlike the one you don’t like. Comment and let us know if we have missed any cool and fun clocks from our […] More
652 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotCute Kittens
Who doesn’t like kittens? Who is missing? Who should be on the list but is not? Is there a kitten on the list who you feel should not be? Please let us know who and why in the comments along with your ‘Hot’ or ‘Not’ Vote. More
388 Views0 Comments1 Vote
in Up Vote / Down VoteHello Kitty Products
They are so Kitsch.
They have such a range it feels impossible to look through all their range. That said we have popped a list of our favourite items. Upvote the ones you like and downvote the ones you do not like. Have we missed any of that you feel must be on the list? Are there any products […] More
401 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteNanoBlocks
Hours of fun!
Think Lego but cheaper, more fiddly and most importantly much smaller and you have NanoBlocks. Started by a company called Kawada in 2008 NanoBlocks have grown into a global alternative to Lego. We love them and have listed our favourites below. Upvote the ones you like, downvote the ones you do not like. Have we […] More
292 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteCavallini Posters
We love their style! Do you?
These posters have such an amazing style to them that they can make things that may normally be boring and turn them into an image that we may wish to put on a wall in our homes or work. Images like cheese, dandelions and eye charts. In our opinion, Cavallini posters have such a beautiful […] More
186 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Which One?Sporting Bests
So this question is very subjective, but which of the below do you think is the best or will be the best when the dust settles when both have retired. Pick your favourite and if you wish, comment to explain why you picked the way you did. Also, have we got the two options wrong […] More
751 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotBest of Banksy
Banksy has been around for a couple of decades now and has created quite a few pieces of work. The examples below are our favourites. Have we missed any or are there any Banksy Artworks on the list that you feel should not be one there? Let us know. More
92 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteCreative Umbrellas
It’s raining and you need an umbrella.
Why not find the most unique one you can. Here we have a list of creative umbrellas. Upvote the ones you like and downvote the ones you do not. Have we missed any of our list? Is there any that you feel should not be on our list? Comment and let us know below. Oh! […] More
155 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteUnique Lamps
Which ones light up your day?
Lamps bring light into our lives, some more than others though. Upvote the one you like or would purchase and downvote the ones you don’t like. Our favourites are the Basketball Lamp and the Humorous Human Lamp. Do you agree? Let us know what you think. Have we left a lamp off that you think […] More
74 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotCreative Tables
Tables are something most of us use every day. They are functional and sometimes we forget to appreciate what they do for us, that is until we see a unique design. With this in mind mark the ones you appreciate or would like to own as ‘HOT’ and the ones you would never consider or […] More
195 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteKid’s Stuff
Cool items most kids will love!
Kids, Upvote the stuff below you would like in your room and downvote the items that you feel are not for you. Grown-ups, Upvote what would you purchase for a child you know and downvote what would never ever dream of giving to a child. Have we missed something off the list? Is there something […] More
122 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteVacuum Cleaners
Accidents happen and our houses get untidy.
So from time to time, we will need to use a vacuum cleaner even if we don’t really want to. At somebody else’s house, you reach for the vacuum cleaner and you see one of the ones listed below. What is your reaction? If it is positive, please upvote else downvote. Then let the world […] More
114 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteCute Puppies
Who doesn’t like puppies?
Who is missing? Who should be on the list but is not? Is there a puppy on the list who you feel should not be? Please let us know who and why in the comments. Upvote your favourite puppy, Downvote the ones you don’t like and share to let the world know what you really […] More
1.6k Views0 Comments1 Vote
in Up Vote / Down VoteJapanese Gadgets
Which ones do you love?
We all know what an amazing country Japan is. The Japanese are known for having quirky imaginations that inspire great and frankly, sometimes, odd products. Upvote your favourites and the one you would like to own, Downvote the ones you don’t like and share to let the world know what you really think. More
524 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotHonest Logos
Vikto Hertz has cleverly adapted well-known logos to share a different meaning. Some are better than others. Mark the one you like as ‘Hot’ and those you don’t like as much as ‘Not’. Our ‘HOT’ favourite is the Netflix logo adaption. It is so clever! Then don’t forget to share with the world so everybody […] More
556 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotUnique Benches
These unique were discovered in different countries around the world. Which would you sit on? Which one would you take a photo and share with your friends? Which ones do you think are ‘Hot’ and which ones do think are ‘Not’? Let us know below. Once complete please share on social media to let the […] More
217 ViewsComments Off on Funny T-Shirts0 Votes
in Hot or NotFunny T-Shirts
Today we saw a t-shirt that made us chuckle. Here are some others that we would love to know what you think. So do you think are they Hot or Not? More
56 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteThe Top Books By Terry Pratchett
What other books should be on the list but are not? Are there any books on the list which you feel should not be? Please let us know which and why in the comments. Upvote your favourites, downvote the ones you don’t like and share to let the world know what you really think. More
156 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteMost Expensive Watches on Amazon*
So you have thousands and thousands to spend? Eh!
What watch, if any, would you choose to purchase. Let us know which ones you like by upvoting and the one you don’t like by downvoting. Let the world know what you think by sharing your votes and this page. *As of the 11th July 2019 More
125 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotSi Klopp Cosmetics
Having been ‘cycloped‘ by the amazing team at Si Klopp Cosmetic Clinic you may choose to wear the correct cosmetics for you. With this in mind, Professor Simone Klopp and her assistant, Dr Von Eyid imagined their own makeup and cosmetics range with the strapline: An eye for improvement. Before Si Klopp start manufacturing these products […] More
154 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in R Amazing! - Books, Up Vote / Down VoteMen Who R Amazing!
Which men do you think are truly amazing?
This list is an interactive list based on our book – Men Who R Amazing! – Buy Now Who is missing? Who should be on the list but is not? Is there someone on the list who you feel should not be? Please let us know who and why in the comments. Upvote your […] More
186 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in R Amazing! - Books, Up Vote / Down VoteWomen Who R Amazing!
Which women do you think are truly amazing?
This list is an interactive list based on our book – Women Who R Amazing! – Buy Now Who is missing? Who should be on the list but is not? Is there someone on the list who you feel should not be? Please let us know who and why in the comments. Upvote your […] More
139 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotSpectacles for Cyclops
Having been ‘cycloped‘ by the amazing team at Si Klopp Cosmetic Clinic you may require eyewear to add to your look and style. If you would ever wear any of the cyclop glasses below upvote to let the creator know that you’d be interested in purchasing them once they are finished. Once complete please share […] More
124 Views0 Comments1 Vote
in Up Vote / Down VoteHand Dryers
Only some seem to be useful!
You have just used a public toilet and washed your hands. Now as you look to dry your hands you see one of the devices below. Upvote the ones you look at with relief and downvote the ones you think I am probably going to end up drying my hands on my clothes. Don’t forget […] More
103 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotCyclop Characters
These cycloptic faces and characters were discovered in many different countries around the world. Which little characters do you think are hot? Vote below to let us know what you think. Once complete please share on social media to let the world know what you really think. More
205 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotCharacters From Faces in Everyday Objects
These faces and characters were discovered in many different countries around the world. Which characters do you like? Vote below to let us know what you think. Once complete please share on social media to let the world know what you really think. More
174 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or NotJust Add Eyes, Nose or a Mouth
Simply by adding eyes, a nose, a mouth to everyday objects to reveal a face, which faces do you like? Vote below to let us know what you think. Once complete please share on social media to let the world know what you really think. More
76 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Which One?Before or After Images?
What do you think of these before and after images? Which do you prefer? Vote below to let us know what you think. Once complete please share on social media to let the world know what you really think. More
71 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Which One?Original or Natural Body of Different Superheroes?
Would you have as much respect for a Superheroes ability to triumph over evil if they had an average American’s body? decided to put it to the test by producing a series of comic book covers showing famous superheroes ‘reverse photoshopped’. Vote below to let us know what you think. Once complete please share […] More
321 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteMarvel Characters From Everyday Objects
Comment below to let us know your favourite
Nguyen Quang Huy (Coi Xuong) and is an artist from Vietnam. Which posters do you think are great? Which ones not so much? Upvote your favourites, Downvote the ones you don’t like and share to let the world know what you really think. More
139 Views0 Comments1 Vote
in Up Vote / Down VoteThe Top Books By Markus Baker
Which is your favourite?
Author Markus Baker’s books are eclectic. They are mainly children’s books, but there are also arty books and those about how you can heal with your body with your mind. Can you think of a better word than eclectic to describe that mix of books? If so comment below. Upvote your favourites, downvote the ones […] More
184 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in R Amazing! - Books, Up Vote / Down VotePeople R Amazing!
Who do you think is truly amazing?
This list is an interactive list based on our book – People R Amazing! – Buy Now Who is missing? Who should be on the list but is not? Is there someone on the list who you feel should not be? Please let us know who and why in the comments. Upvote your favourites, […] More
265 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteQuotes That Can Help Us Heal
Helping You Think About Healing In A New Way!
Which quote resonates with you and helps you feel more positive? Upvote your favourites, downvote the ones you don’t like and share it to let the world know what you really think. More
206 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Which One?Two Eyed or One Eyed Animals?
Check out the work of Si Klopp Cosmetic Surgery, the world’s best fictional clinic. What follows are the many surgical successes of the patented ‘Cycloped’ Eye Reduction Surgery on animals (see ‘cycloped’ people here) as performed by two amazing cosmetic surgeons named Professor Simone Klopp and her assistant Dr Von Eyid. Do you prefer the […] More
148 ViewsComments Off on Two Eyed or One Eyed People?0 Votes
in Which One?Two Eyed or One Eyed People?
Check out the work of Si Klopp Cosmetic Surgery, the world’s best fictional clinic. What follows are the many surgical successes of the patented ‘Cycloped’ Eye Reduction Surgery on people (see ‘cycloped’ animals here) as performed by two amazing cosmetic surgeons named Professor Simone Klopp and her assistant Dr Von Eyid. ***Update*** Si Klopp are […] More
78 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteFaces in Everyday Objects
Top Examples of Pareidolia That You Will Love
Which face really creates a reaction in you? Upvote your favourites, Downvote the ones you don’t like and share to let the world know what you really think. More
231 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or Not, QuotesRoger Bannister Quotes
In 1954, Roger Bannister, a 25-year-old British medical student, made history by becoming the first man to run a mile in less than four minutes. If you like Roger Bannister’s quotes you will love the Men Who R Amazing Book in which he appears. More
154 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or Not, QuotesQueen Elizabeth The First Quotes
Considered by many as the greatest monarch in English history, Elizabeth became queen in 1558 at the age of 25 and was known to be quick-witted, clever, as well as being ruthless and calculating as any king before her. If you like Queen Elizabeth The First’s quotes you will love the Women Who R Amazing […] More
90 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Hot or Not, QuotesPaula Radcliffe Quotes
Paula Radcliffe is a former world champion in the marathon, half marathon and cross country. In 2003 Paula Radcliffe became the fastest women’s marathon runner ever. With a world record time of 2 hours 15 minutes and 25 seconds. If you like Paula’s quotes you will love the Women Who R Amazing Book in which she […] More
96 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteThe Top Books By J.K. Rowling
Which is your favourite?
What other books should be on the list but is not? Are there any books on the list which you feel should not be? Please let us know which and why in the comments. Upvote your favourites, downvote the ones you don’t like and share to let the world know what you really think. More
162 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteThe Top Books By Julia Donaldson
Which is your favourite?
What other books should be on the list but is not? Are there any books on the list which you feel should not be? Please let us know which and why in the comments. Upvote your favourites, downvote the ones you don’t like and share to let the world know what you really think. More
124 Views0 Comments1 Vote
in Up Vote / Down VoteThe Top Books By Roald Dahl
Which is your favourite?
What other books should be on the list but is not? Are there any books on the list which you feel should not be? Please let us know which and why in the comments. Upvote your favourites, downvote the ones you don’t like and share to let the world know what you really think. More
195 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteThe Top Books By Dr. Seuss
Which is your favourite?
What other books should be on the list but is not? Are there any books on the list which you feel should not be? Please let us know which and why in the comments. Upvote your favourites, downvote the ones you don’t like and share to let the world know what you really think. More
69 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteDogs Catching Treats
A treat for them and us
Photographer Christian Vieler, from Waltrop, Germany, captures the split-second a dog is attempting to catch a treat. These images are amazing and show the different ways canines focus on the task at hand. Christian shared these images in a wonderful book named Treat! What do you think of this list? Let us know, we love […] More
162 Views0 Comments0 Votes
in Up Vote / Down VoteThe Top Books By Eric Carle
Which is your favourite?
What other books should be on the list but is not?Are there any books on the list which you feel should not be?Please let us know which and why in the comments. Upvote your favourites, downvote the ones you don’t like and share to let the world know what you really think. More