Check out below some of the most amazing architecture related posts we have to offer.
Urban Designs
How often do we walk through an urban environment without noticing benches, bus stops or buildings because they blend into the background. This list aims to change that by sharing amazing urban designs that’s creativity will enable us to just pause and be thankful that they have been created. Do you like our list of […] More
Toilet Seats
Every day we need to put food and drink into our bodies to stay alive. Equally we also, at some point, need for that waste to leave our body. When it does we nip to the toilet, do our business and wash our hands all without a second thought for the toilet seat that we […] More
Tape Measure Metal Tip
The metal tip on a tape measure is loose for a reason. Known as “true zero”, it lets you measure accurately from the inside and outside edge of a surface. Source: More
How often do we look through a hole in a wall without stopping to appreciate the benefits of the device that protects us from the elements yet still be able to see outside? This list aims to change that by sharing amazing windows that’s design and creativity will enable us to just pause and be […] More
How often do we cross a bridge without stopping to appreciate how helpful it has been in not making us travel the long way round? This list aims to change that by sharing amazing bridges that’s design and creativity will enable us to just pause and be thankful that they have been created. Do you […] More
Small Spaces
With space being a premium in the world, especially in places like Hong Kong, people are getting creative with how they fit everything they need into a small space. This list shares some of the most amazing small spaces. Do you like our list? If so mark the ones you like as ‘Hot’ and the […] More
How often do we walk through a gap in a wall without stopping to appreciate the benefits of the device that plugs that gap which we call the door? This list aims to change that by sharing amazing doors that’s design and creativity will enable us to just pause and be thankful that they have […] More
Shipping Container Buildings
In a time where environmental issues are at the front of our minds shipping container houses can be a fantastic way of reusing materials for a different purpose. This is our list of the most amazing shipping container buildings. Do you like our list? If so mark the ones you like as ‘Hot’ and the […] More